1. How does the speaker define the area that is "Mesoamerica"?
Mesoamerica is defined by the speaker as the Mexico and Central America region.
2. How did the topography of Mesoamerica impact civilizations?
Mesoamerica was a high plateau with mountains and slopes to sea level areas. This was important because the different landscape produced different resources and facilitated trade.
3. What goods were produced in the highlands and lowlands?
The higher area in the center produce obsidian while the sloping lowlands produced seashells and feathers.
4. Why was is so difficult to move goods in Mesoamerica?
There were few navigable rivers and no domesticated animals to carry goods by land. Goods were slowly moved by men or canoes.
5. What accomplishments can we credit the Olmecs with?
The Olmecs carved huge stone heads and were the first to build ceremonial complexes for worship and pyramids. They invented the first ball game. They (not the Mayans) also invented the calendar and writing.
6. Describe the Olmec calendar system.
There were two calendars, one solar of 365 days and one lunar of 260 days. Every 52 years, the first days of each calendar coincided.
7. What was the purpose of Olmec pyramids?
Their pyramids were used for places of worship.
8. How were Mayan pyramids different than Olmec pyramids?
They looked different from Olmec pyramids because they were steep and very narrow.
9. Why was Mayan history "lost" at the time of contact?
After their collapse in the classical era, the Mayans abandoned their cities, but still existed. When the Spanish arrived, much of the Mayan writing could not be deciphered even by the Mayans themselves. So, we'll never fully understand their history.
10. How does she say that the Aztecs were different than other mesoamericans?
The Aztecs were different because they were successful expansionists and aggressive tribute collectors. Though human sacrifice existed in all of the Mesoamerican civilizations, the Aztecs took that to an unprecedented scale.
11. What was the purpose of the tribute systems of the Aztecs?
Their land could not produce enough food to support the growing Aztec civilization, so tribute systems were put into effect to collect food and money-making resources.
12. Describe the Aztec creation myth.
The Aztecs believed in this myth that said the world was created and destroyed four times and recreated by the sun god for the fifth time. The gods met together to create the world; one god was asked to throw himself in the fire to create the world, but he refused. Then, a lesser god threw himself into the fire. The other god was embarrassed to be shown up by a lesser god and threw himself into the fire as well. The two gods did not immediately create the sun and the moon because they waited for sacrifice. So, one by one, the gods had to each sacrifice themselves to make the sun and the moon rise. Sacrifice was essential to keep the world going.
13. How was sacrifice of women different than men?
Men were sacrificed at the top of the pyramid and having their hearts cut out alive. Women, on the other hand, would dance at the base of the pyramid and be beheaded.