Map 1: shows powers and different sides of WWII
Map 2: shows GDP of major powers before WWII with USA, Germany, and USSR leading. Also shows the contrast between high GDP of allies to low GDP of axis powers.
Map 3: shows the drawing of European territories after Germany lost in WWI. Germany and Austria Hungary shrank significantly.
Map 4: shows Japan occupation of northeast China leading up to war in 1937.
Map 5: shows the high concentration of German speakers along the borders of Czechoslovakia and very low concentration in the center.
Map 6: map on left shows the planned territorial split between Germany and USSR. Map on right shows how Russia took more of Poland than was agreed.
Map 7: shows the path of Russian troops invading Finland
Map 8: shows Western Front fighting along Franco-German border and German gains of east France in WWI.
Map 9: shows how German troops closed in along Belgium and the path of British soldiers forced to flee.
Map 10: shows planned out German invasion of Britain through the English Channel (though failed)
Map 11: shows densely dotted Britain, marking points where Hitler bombed and planned to bomb during WWII
Map 12: shows how a treaty between France and Germany in WWII split France into German-occupied north, free south, and some Italian-occupied area in the southeast.
Map 13: shows Hitler's invasion of Russia, eastern front, after betraying Stalin.
Map 14: shows German plan of surrounding and attacking Leningrad, Russia
Map 15: shows Hawaii and battle events and routes of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor
Map 16: shows Japanese attack of imperialism in Southeast Asia
Map 17: shows route of Japanese invasion of Philippines, known as the Bataan Death March
Map 18: shows defeat and retreat of Hitler's troops from Leningrad, Russia
Map 19: shows offensive takes on North Africa by Britain and later, German offensive taking North Africa from Britain.
Map 20: shows French prime minister de Gaulle's imperialism of the world; Africa and Asia one by one conquested in the 1940s.
Map 21: shows places in Italy where Allied forces attacked
Map 22: shows Allied naval forces arriving at the shores of Normandy to retake France from Axis.
Map 23: shows Axis retreats from previously occupied Allied countries and retaking of countries by Allied forces by 1940s.
Map 24: shows difference of casualties in WWII in the world; Russia suffered the largest with Germany as second.
Not map Map 25: shows new use of aircraft technologies in WWII
Map 26: shows the use of radar technologies over Britain during Germany's planned invasion.
Map 27: shows key sites of American development and research of atomic bombs, known as the Manhattan Project. Included Richland, Washington, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Los Alamos, New Mexico.
Map 28: shows the map of the grounds of Bletchley Park near London, England, which was a major code-breaking center.
Map 29: shows the parts of a German V-2 rocket, which was used on the Allies though not very reliable and very expensive.
Map 30: shows routes of US and Japanese naval forces in the Battle of Midway in the Pacific Ocean. Japan faced fatal blows in the battle.
Map 31: shows another map of routes of US and Japanese naval and air forces in Leyte Gulf near the Philippines.
Map 32: shows area of Tokyo, Nagoya, and Kobe burned out and devestated by American bombers.
Map 33: shows the extent and range of damage of the US atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima, Japan.
Map 34: shows the percent of Jews killed in Nazi concentration camps in central-eastern Europe. Most being in Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia where 80-90% Jews were killed.
Map 35: shows post-war Israeli-Arab conflict; UN planed to split Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. It also shows the reality of Arab armies invading Palestine and Israelis counterattacking, pushing Arabs out.
Map 36: shows Germany divided into zones of influence- Britain in northwest, France southwest, USA southeast, and Soviet communists in the northeast.
Map 37: shows the phases of the Korean War- the Korean peninsula is originally dominated by Communist forces, then UN forces take the peninsula, then North and South Korea are divided with an Armistice Line.
Map 38: shows that starting from 1950, European countries lose their African holds one by one after the war.
Map 39: shows many US military bases in Germany, especially in the south, to prevent another militarist regime.
Map 40: shows a few US military bases scattered in Japan.
Map 41: shows the European Union beginning with Western European countries in 1957, then spreading east until 2013. Neither Russia nor south eastern Europe are in the EU.
Map 42!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shows the number of UN member countries increasing, beginning with only the Americas, Europe, and parts of Asia to including the entire world by the 2000s.